Dothan Ijadimbola hearing from high major programs

Photo credits to Ryan James, 247Sports

2026 prospect Dothan Ijadimbola is a player that is on a lot of colleges radar. The ESPN four-star rated prospect is currently being recruited by the likes of Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Iowa State, LSU, Xavier, Utah, Michigan St, Virginia Tech, Appalachian State, and St. Louis, just to name a few.

As expected, these programs wasted no time reaching out to him personally once they could officially contact 2026 prospects on June 15th.

With numerous coaches tracking his basketball journey, Ijadimbola has received extensive feedback on his game, with many praising his scoring prowess.

“They like my ability to score,” he said. “My vision, as well as my motor.”

While his primary focus is on improving over the summer, Ijadimbola is also considering taking a few visits. He has three schools in mind, though no plans are set in stone yet.

“I may go to Minnesota, Iowa State and Xavier,” he said. “All those schools have talked about the possibility of that.”

Ijadimbola will be running with D1 Minnesota this summer. He has a few more events on the live circuit, where many coaches will get a look at his game.

“I’ll be in Rock Hill for Adidas, Minnesota for non-circuit live period, and Rock Hill again for USA Invitational live period,” he said.

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